Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 1:00-4:00pm in the Hall of Flags at the Maine State House in Augusta. Stay tuned for ways you can participate and help advocate for arts education directly to legislators!
Join Us for the 2023 Arts Advocacy Celebration!
Register for additional individual sessions below by clicking on “Register” and completing the information. Links will be provided following registration. If you need additional support email: [email protected] For more information
State of the Arts: Education Edition Monday, March 28th from 6-7 p.m.
The Arts are Basic Coalition (ABC) is a partnership of statewide leaders in arts education, represented by Maine’s professional teachers’ associations in visual art, music, theater and dance ,the Maine Alliance for Arts Education, The Maine Arts Commission, The Maine Department of Education, and Maine Arts Education Partners in Leadership (MAEPL) to “advocate with a common strong voice for the visual and performing arts for all students in Maine.” Come learn more about the work of these organizations and how to get involved in promoting and strengthening arts education in Maine.
Voices of the Future: Student Leadership Group Tuesday, March 29th from 6-7 p.m.
Young people are our future leaders. This session will provide an opportunity to hear from the voices of our Student Leadership Group about their experiences in arts education and how they are moving forward in the midst of continued pandemic-related challenges. REGISTERfor Voices of the Future
Creating ME Wednesday, March 30th from 6-7 p.m.
As educational leaders, we need to engage in our own creativity in order to better advocate for arts education. Creative play is essential to reconnecting us to our purpose and our community. This session will be led by arts educators and engage participants in virtual community art-making. This session is open to all arts education allies. No previous arts experience or materials required. Come with an open mind and open heart. REGISTERfor Creating ME
Arts Education Celebration Day Thursday, March 31st from 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Come hear national and local voices celebrate Arts Education for Maine. Let’s salute “Arts in Our Schools Month” and identify ways that we can each be a catalyst for continued conversation and change in our own communities. Speakers for the day include:
Actor & Arts Advocate, John Lithgow
U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree
Members of the Arts Are Basic Coalition Student Leadership Group
Performance by Hermon High School Steel Pan Band. REGISTERfor Arts Education Celebration Day
Maine Arts Education Dine & Discuss Friday, April 1st from 3:00-4:30 p.m.
“Arts Education Month” in Maine has been full of wonderful opportunities to elevate and celebrate the great work that is happening in schools each day. This session is intended for arts educators and teaching artists to connect, reflect, let their hair down, and discuss ways that we can continue to support each other, and this work, beyond March. REGISTERfor Maine Arts Education Dine & Discuss