- Advanced Placement Division
Our state association AP gatherings. This group meets 2-3 times annually. Dates, times, and places are posted in our MAEA Mixed Media newsletter. If you would like to be included in the AP email blast, please contact Holly Houston.
- MAEA Creates!
MAEA Creates is a monthly gathering to give art teachers an opportunity to socialize and make art together. For more info on MAEA Creates, email Erin Landry Fowler.
- Mentorship
Join us for a series of casual virtual get-togethers to give new and emerging art educators a chance to connect with and learn from those with more experience. Meetings are hosted by Cory Bucknam from 5:00-6:00 pm.
- Photography Educators
The photo teacher meetings provide photography teachers with an opportunity to make connections with each other and share our creative approaches to teaching young people. If you are interested in joining this group, or hosting us at your school, please contact Jennie Driscoll.
Here is the link to join:
Class Code: xtt2wf3 Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/aad-ehjs-quh?authuser=0
Most likely meetings will be held online monthly the second week of the month on Wednesday afternoons @3:30PM and alternate months at night. Looking forward to seeing you all.
- Queer and Allies
Do you identify as LGBTQIA+? Are you an ally/accomplice? Join us for the very first MAEA LGBTQIA+ gatherings. Email Phillipa Adam if you’re interested in participating.
- Retired Art Educators
- TAB Interest Group