The Quimby Family Foundation Fellowship, a great opportunity for summer professional development. This fellowship is for an active MAEA Maine art educator to spend two weeks participating in a Haystack summer workshop.
The Quimby Family Foundation has awarded Haystack a grant of $35,000 to endow a fellowship for an active MAEA Maine art teacher. Haystack has had a long relationship with Maine art teachers -- the Maine Art Education Association held one of its first annual fall conferences at Haystack in 1968 -- and many art teachers have studied at the school during summer sessions. Haystack has received grant support in the past from both the Surdna Foundation and the Maine Arts Commission to award fellowships.
The time spent here is important to art educators both for their teaching and art-making. Bronwyn Sale, a former art teacher from Portland, wrote this when she received a similar fellowship a few year’s ago, “As an art teacher, I believe that the best ‘staff development’ is to be among fellow working artists and to practice my own art. Attending Haystack gave me the space and environment to do so. In addition to the personal artistic growth that occurred during my workshop, as a teacher the experience was invaluable. I was able to assume the role of student again in a workshop taught by an artist who is also a master teacher.... I gained a whole new perspective on teaching and was exposed to ideas and assignments that I can now share with my students...” This new fellowship will create a permanent fellowship for an active MAEA Maine teacher to attend a two-week session.
To apply for the Fellowship:
Go to theHaystack website for information about sessions and workshops. The catalog is typically posted in late December.
Fellowship covers workshop tuition (glass workshop not included), room & board (dorm room assignment, fellowship recipient may upgrade if they pay the difference), and a $500 stipend. And a final reminder that this award comes with the expectation that within a year of your fellowship, you write an article and provide photos summarizing your experience for publication in Mixed Media, and create a short presentation to be given virtually or in person at the __year__ MAEA Fall Conference. Fill out this application no later than January 1st.
Please direct any questions to [email protected] *To apply for Quimby Haystack Scholarship, you must be an MAEA member in good standing of at least three consecutive immediate prior years.